Past Events Archive

Fort Hill Post 376 hosted a Commanders Visitation Dinner on Oct 21, 2016.

Approximately 196 Legionnaires and guests attended honoring John B. Samson, Department Commander, American Legion Department of New York Debbie Kryzkowski, Department President, American Legion Auxiliary Department of New York J.Bruce Ruthven, SAL Detachment Commander, Sons of the American Legion Detachment of New York
Besides visiting our Post, a large number of Legion people made a tour to the Veterans Home here in Oxford and were given a tour at Raymond Corp in Greene, a major local industry.

Post 376 Honor Guard attended a service on Nov 5, 2016 for Frank Pisciotta, an Oxford resident and Army veteran.

On Thursday Nov 10, 2016, a group of ex-servicemen and women will visit the Oxford Schools Morning Program. Each person will be introduced and give a brief talk about their military experience.

Nov 11, 2016, Friday, at 11:00 AM sharp there will be a Veterans Day Program at Post 376. The program for the day includes Honors Ceremony, brief speech, Taps and refreshments.

Nov 12, 2016, Saturday, there will be the Annual Early Bird Dinner at Post 376, open to current paid up members. A cocktail hour begins at 3:30. Dinner is from 4:30 until 6:00 PM. The menu consists of NY Strip steak, potatoes, salad, breads and cakes, etc. Members of Legion, SAL, Auxiliary with 2017 dues paid by Veterans Day are treated at no cost. Family, friends and others cost is $10.00

March 11 2017, Saturday morning is the next American Red Cross blood drive at Post 376.

March 17 2017, Friday , 6-10 PM will be a St. Patricks Day Dance. Fun, Irish pub fare, drink specials. Music is provided by Hugh Becker, known as Ultrasound DJ. Cover charge is $5. All proceeds to help with the Legion Building Fund expenses. Posters and fliers for this event can be seen at the Legion and places around town.

2017 Goofy Golf Tournament Saturday May 6th at the Bluestone Golf Course

Format: 4 person captain and crew
Golf starts At 10 AM
BlueStone members: $25
Non-Members: $40
Dinner and Prizes to follow at the Legion
Join us for some great laughs, golf, friends and food

May 29th, 2017 : Memorial Day

Honoring the men and women that who gave thier lives in service protecting our nation's freedom.
Parade Steps off at 9:30 AM from the front of the American Legion Post #376 at 17 S. Washinton Street, Oxford, NY.
National Anthem to be performed by the Blackhawk Marching Band.
Pageantry, Oxford Academy Band Music, Speeches, Wreath Laying, Gun Salute, "Taps".

Saturday October 2nd, 2017 Chicken Barbeque at the Legion parking lot

Friday, October 13th, 5-7 p.m. - Auxiliary's HARVEST DINNER, for the Finch Book & Education Fund . (2nd Friday)

November 11, 2017 11 AM Veterans Day Service

November 18th, 2017: The Post 376 Early Bird Dinner

This dinner is a reward for Post members who have paid their 2018 dues before 11/11/17. It has been on the 2nd Saturday of November, however, because that's Veterans Day this year, it will be on the 3rd Saturday, November 18, 2017. It will be the same popular menu as last year (NY Strip Steak, potato, tossed salad, Italian bread, and cake.) Cocktails: 3:30 - 4:30. Dinner: 4:30 - 6 PM.

December 16th, 2017 The American Legion Post #376 Christmas Party

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, you need go no further than the Oxford Fort Hill Legion Post #376 to get heartwarming treats to celebrate the day. The American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) is offering a Valentine's Day Soup, Casserole and Bake sale on February 10, 2018 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Come in and make delicious purchases while supporting the educational and charitable mission of the Oxford A.L. Auxiliary.

Oxford Post 376 will be honoring all paid up members at the annual early bird dinner. This event will be held on November 17, 2018  in the legion hall from 5 pm to 7 pm. No cost to paid members with dues paid up by November 11. Guests welcome ($15.00)

Members of post 376 color guard, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018 at the dedication of Veterans Memorial Walkway at the fountain in Oxford's Lafayette Park
Sunday was a beautiful day for the dedication. Relevant talks were given by Village of Oxford Mayor Terry Stark, Post 376 Commander Darlene Ardron and Legion Board President Gregg Johnson. Oxford Historian Vicky House gave a brief history of the project, beginning 100 years back. Benediction was given by Father Dave Hanselman. An estimated 300 spectators attended.

UPDATE: June 15, 2019
The 2nd dedication for the project was held at the fountain in Oxford's park. More paving bricks showing Veteran's details have been placed in the walkway for visitors to see when they visit. The space available for this project is rapidly filling up. More details and photos to follow. 

March 16, 2019: Fort Hill American Legion Post 376 Centennial Commemorated

The American Legion Centennial Post 376 hosted a birthday celebration with a party on March 16. There were patriotic decorations, lots of food, music, and a special birthday cake for members and guests to enjoy. The 100-year-old Legion Post was also honored with two New York State proclamations!

Post 376 Commander Darlene Ardron invited "Legion Family" members and the local community to celebrate. The event was a gift back to the community, at no charge, for this very special occasion; celebrating a century of supporting fellow service members, veterans, their families, and the community. On display were picture boards made by Vicky House, Oxford Historian, with articles dating back to March 16, 1946 when the Post first opened their "clubhouse", as the home was called, exactly 73 years prior.

The response to the Commander's invitation was heartwarming! The Oxford Dollar General donated red, white and blue decorations. Some Post members from the Legion and Auxiliary voluntarily made an assortment of food served buffet-style, and the Oxford restaurants, Roma's and Joe & Vinny's both generously donated lots of delicious Italian food!

A surprise guest arrived from Binghamton, Faith Vavra, a Field Representative from Congressman Anthony Brindisi's office. Faith had a signed and framed proclamation from the Congressman! Earlier, the Post had been recognized with another proclamation from NYS Assemblyman, the Hon. Clifford W. Crouch. Vavra was gracious enough to present the proclamations to the Commander and her officers, reading them both in front of the audience. Commander Ardron was so thrilled, she could barely contain her tears of joy.

Commander Ardron thanked everyone and especially ALA President Jan Pollard, Mickey Race, Dollar General, Roma's and Joe & Vinny's for all their contributions. A great time was had by all.

The Early Bird Dinner
Saturday, November 16, 2019 - 4:30 to 6 p.m., cocktail hour: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Veterans Day (the dues deadline in order to attend, 11/11/19) is the anniversary of the official end of World War I (in 1918). The menu is: Roast Pork loin, "Party Potatoes" (mashed with cheese and bacon), a vegetable medley, and dessert. You must RSVP the Post 376 at (607) 843‐8166.

Chicken BBQ!
Let the intoxicating aroma of barbecued chicken draw you to the Oxford American Legion, Fort Hill Post #376. Legion members will be selling barbecue chicken halves prepared by Oxford's own Tim, Tim and the Team. The chicken, $6.00 a half, will be sold starting at 8 a.m. until…all are gone! BBQ goes PDQ so get there ASAP!

August 31, 2019: To benefit the Oxford Football Team
October 5th, 2019: To benefit the Oxford Band Boosters
October 19th, 2019: To benefit the Lion's Club

July Blackhawk Alumni Ice Breaker
The Oxford Academy reunion weekend kick-off happens each year at the Fort Hill American Legion on the last Friday in July, sponsored by Post 376. Alums bring their appetites, yearbooks, and dancing shoes for an evening of fun! Food is available from 5 - 9 p.m. The Legion, with help from the Auxiliary, cooks up a variety of hot sandwiches such as hamburgers, hotdogs, and pulled pork sandwiches. Guests dance to the sounds of DJ Dennis and the 5 Minute Idols from 6 -10 p.m., but the party keeps on going. Oxford Academy class reunions, other alums, and all the public are welcome! (Cash bar; over 21, please.)

This American Legion fundraiser occurs annually on the last Friday (of the last full weekend) in July. The event benefits the mission of the American Legion.

The American Red Cross will not be at the Fort Hill Post 376 for a blood drive this month. Please check back next month, from 7:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (It's usually on the 2nd Saturday.) They ordinarily take walk-ins, but making an appointment is a much better idea. You can even go online for the screening questions. Visit the website: to find a location near you.

Memorial Day Parade-- Monday, May 27, 2019 step-off at 9:30 a.m. sharp.
The 2019 Oxford American Legion Memorial Day Parade is coming and will proceed similarly to the 2018 parade. Oxford Police will clear the route starting on S. Washington Avenue at the Legion building, proceed past the fountain in LaFayette Park, across Route 12, stopping at the Main Street Bridge for an honors ceremony, and on to Riverside Cemetery for speakers, honors ceremony, band selections, benediction and final dismissal. Officially heading the parade will be: Oxford American Legion Honor Guard, American Legion Post 376 Commander Ardron, veterans marching or in cars, guest speakers, Oxford NYS Veterans' Home bus, Village of Oxford Mayor Stark, Town of Oxford Supervisor Wilcox, Oxford Academy Color Guard, Oxford Academy Band, Boys and Girls State delegates, volunteer marchers and other participants are invited to "fall in" after the head of the column. Frequent participants include groups such as Scouts, Masons, Rotary, sport teams, civic groups, horse and wagon, antique cars, trucks, private cars chauffeuring veterans, Town of Oxford Fire and rescue vehicles keep track of the rear.

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