Oxford American Legion Post 376 thanks all members, friends, patrons, volunteers, who are part of the Legion Family and were a big part of the events of 2023.
A special thanks goes to the American Legion Auxiliary, and also to the Sons of the American Legion for ALL THEIR WORK and all the volunteer hours invested.
Held at the Oxford American Legion, Fort Hill Post #376, on Saturdays (And Memorial Day Monday!).
Post members will be selling barbecue chicken halves prepared by Oxford's own Tim, Tim and the Team. The chicken, $8.00 a half, will be sold starting at 8:00 a.m. until…all are gone! BBQ goes PDQ so get there ASAP!.
The American Red Cross Blood Drive
This year, uniquely, the Blood Drives are on the 2nd Saturdays every other month; 7:30 am - 12:30 pm.
Blood Drives 2025: March 8, 2025, May 10, July 12, September 13, & November 8.
They ordinarily take walk-ins, but making an appointment is a much better idea. You can even go online for the screening questions. Visit the website: http://www.redcrossblood.org/ to find a location near you.
On Memorial Day we remember and honor the men and women who died in the service of our country.The privileges, freedoms and American Way of Life that we know today came at a price we cannot forget.
Unfortunately, the usual ceremonies and parades of 2020 Memorial Day have been CANCELLED due to COVID19 and complications which are present all across the county. Nevertheless, Memorial Day will be remembered and respected. This year remember Oxford Memorial Day Parades of other years in the safety of your own living memory.
Now, sit back and recall that in prior years the parade assembled on S. Washington Street in front of Oxford American Legion Post 376 building. Step-off is at 9:30 AM. Oxford Police cleared the route, you picture how it was: The parade proceeds north, turns right at the park. The column includes: American Legion Honor Guard, Oxford Post 376 Commander, Veterans marching or in cars, Guest Speakers, Oxford Veterans home Bus, Oxford Village and Town Officials, Oxford Academy Color Guard and Band, Other volunteer marchers, Scouts, Rotary, civic groups, sports teams, horse drawn vehicles, antique cars chauffeuring other veterans. Oxford Fire and Rescue Vehicles always close the column. The procession crosses Route 12 and stops at the bridge for an honors ceremony. A wreath is laid on the water and the Honor Guard fires a salute. The Oxford Academy Band plays taps.Now we proceed through the village to the Riverside Cemetery where the post Commander welcomes the audience and chaplain reads the Role Call of the deceased. A local clergyman offers an invocation. The Star Spangled Banner is performed by the school band. The Oxford American Legion Boys State members are recognized and the Legion Auxiliary Girls State is recognized. Speeches by the Guest of Honor and the Oxford Post Commander, followed by the closing benediction, Honors Ceremony and Taps. The post 376 Honor Guard perform Taps. Remember this day from the past and be assured the PARADE SHALL RETURN, along with all the other events so typical of American Memorial Days.
Ladies and Gentleman: If this years parade had been able to proceed "in person", we would have been privileged to welcome as featured speaker at the ceremony at Riverside Cemetery, Major General (Ret.) Peter Lennon, who had served the US Military for over a 40 year period, and currently resides with his wife, Elaine, in Glens Falls, NY. We are fortunate, however to have the text of the speech which Gen. Lennon would have delivered during the ceremony at Riverside on Memorial Day. Let us all, in the safety of our homes, sit back and read what we are unable to hear. Please use this link to read that speech.
The ALA's Harvest (Take-Out) Dinner, Friday, October 8, 2021 from 4-6 PM.
It's a benefit for the Finch Book & Education Fund to promote literacy.
Take Outs only, $12.00. Menu: Turkey breast with gravy, stuffing, cranberry sauce, squash, green beans, real mashed potatoes, and pumpkin or apple pie.
In recognition of your timely membership dues payment--
The Post 376 is offering an "Early Bird"* (Take-Out) Dinner, Saturday, November 13, 2021 from 4-6 PM. Take-Outs only. Chicken BBQ dinner: half chicken, salt potatoes, baked beans, roll, and dessert. (*As an "Early Bird" this dinner is free to members of Post 376 who have paid their 2022 dues by Veterans Day, Thursday, November 11, 2021. Dinners can be purchased for guests for $10 each.) You must RSVP in one of these ways: Come in person and sign up at the Post 376 bar; postal mail your RSVP; call (607) 843-8166 and leave a message; or by email: AmerLegion@stny.rr.com .
St. Patrick's Day Take-Out Dinner- Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at the Legion. It will include mouth watering, tender: Corned Beef, cabbage, onions, potatoes, carrots and dessert. $10.00. TAKE OUT ONLY ~ 4 – 6 p.m. until gone. YES, pre-order; call Sue by March 13th - at (607) 316-3465. Please Note: Doors WILL NOT open until the start at 4 p.m. NO EARLY PICKUPS.
Proceeds support American Legion Post 376 programs.
Chicken BBQ on April 24, 2021 to benefit the SAL.
9 a.m til gone; Chicken $7 per half. To benefit the mission of the Sons of the American Legion. Chicken cooked by SAL Members: TIM & THE TEAM